Photos can be accessed hereThe AmCham Moldova community met Sergiu Lazarencu, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Moldova. This dialogue occurred during a Business Breakfast and focused on various topics to improve environmental policies and regulations, address concerns, and identify partnership opportunities.
The discussions focused on:
- Draft amendment of Law No. 1540/1998 on environmental pollution tax;
- The requirements issued by the Environmental Protection Inspectorate to design and build wastewater pre-treatment plants;
- The problem of frequent technical failures of the SIA MD and SIA RETP;
- Re-forestation of some areas of land;
- Issues concerning the deposit refund system;
- Blocking of imports by the Customs Service for economic agents who are not registered in the List of Producers;
The members of the AmCham community appreciated the environmental authority's high degree of openness and interaction with the business environment.