This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Moldova events.

AmCham Moldova invites member companies to attend a new discussion session held within the EC Club (Ethics and Compliance Club) on the topic of Conflict of Interest.

The session will be held by Radu Rauta, co-founder of Integrity Solutions, a Romania-based firm that designs and delivers comprehensive, cutting-edge solutions that optimize the integrity practices, limit corporate liabilities and solve ethical issues in the business environment.

The following topics will be discussed:

- Overview of Moldovan and foreign legislation;

- Revolving Door / Pantouflage;

- Types of conflict of interest;

- The perspective of the top management / HR / sales;

- Key questions to ask when suspecting a conflict;

- Defining and determining acceptable gifts;

- Using caution when offering gifts or hospitality;

- Inappropriate Entertainment;

- What Constitutes a "Kickback"?

- Starting a side business

- Taking personal advantage of business opportunities

Working Language - Romanian

If you have any questions on the planned activity of the EC Club, please contact Adrian Gheorghita at 211 781 or

The initiative is supported by the Center for International Private Enterprise.


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