Event Details

Webinar: G2B Services and Platforms: an EGov to AmCham Webinar

On June 30, AmCham members participated in the Webinar and e-met with the E-Governance Agency Moldova representatives:

Iurie Turcanu, Executive Director

Vlad Manoil, Head of Project & Product Management Department

Artur Reaboi, Head of Analysis and Design Unit

Olga Tumuruc, Head of Data Exchange and Interoperability Service

Igor Bercu, Sergiu Bedros și Dumitru Postu, Project Managers

Members had the opportunity to discuss and better understand digital services and platforms provided by the Government. As well as the concept of a new digital cabinet of entrepreneurs.

Should you be interested in joining the committees' activities, please contact Veronica Sireteanu, Policy Manager, at veronicasireteanu@amcham.md.



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    Online Meeting

    Zoom.us: The American Chamber of Commerce
    Chisinau, Moldova

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