Event Details

During times of crisis or turmoil, leadership is more critical than ever. Without good leadership, external pressures can become overwhelming and destabilize for any team. Leaders face unusual situations that they have to deal with, and make decisions with a significant impact on business and people's motivation, health, and psychological safety.


โ€ข Understanding how the surrounding reality is perceived

โ€ข Increasing our capacity for emotional balance

โ€ข Self-knowledge and self-support through personal resources

โ€ข Knowledge and application of stress management tools

โ€ข Make a plan for personal development of emotional balancing skills

Key topics:

โ€ข Elements of neuroscience: behaviors manifested in the context of the perception of threat or reward

โ€ข Application of the self-assessment questionnaire of the personal level of resilience

โ€ข Defining the concept of resilience

โ€ข SCARF model - a tool for building a resilient team

โ€ข Strategies for building and maintaining a high level of personal resilience


  • Cristina Nastasescu (Ascendis)

    Cristina Nastasescu


    Cristina Nastasescu s-a alaturat echipei Ascendis in anul 2007, dupa 14 ani in care a activat in domeniul bancar si in comert exterior. In training, Cristina s-a format si si-a consolidat experienta de-a lungul a peste 10 ani de colaborare cu Codecs (Open University), in cadrul modulelor de management competitiv.
    A participat alaturi de clientii Ascendis la identificarea nevoilor de instruire a angajatilor, la centre de evaluare si dezvoltare si la personalizarea unor programe de training, cele mai dragi fiindu-i cele legate de comunicare, inteligenta emotionala si leadership.
    Fire deschisa, analitica si orientata catre rezultate, pasionata de lucrul cu oamenii si dornica sa se autodezvolte, Cristina imbina in activitatea sa experienta de business cu cea oferita de studiile aprofundate in coaching si programare neuro-lingvistica.
    Calatoriile si sporturile de iarna pe care le practica cu mare bucurie alaturi de familie, ii ofera Cristinei subiecte care dau viata celor doua pasiuni ale ei: fotografia si pictura.

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The American Chamber of Commerce
Chisinau, Moldova

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