This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AmCham Moldova events.

On May 15, HR Committee gathered together for an online discussion where speakers from various industries shared best practices on Preparing for a Return to the Office Environment.

Speakers warned that the reintroduction to office life can be dangerous if mishandled, and the process of reintegrating back into regular business premises needs a plan that maintains safety, manages resources and rebuilds morale.

We thank the speakers for the willingness to share best practices during the upcoming period of adjustments:

Elena Armasu, Executive Manager at Bayer

Elena Ivanova, Managing Director at Crunchyroll

Ina Sandu, Human Resources and Communications Director at Lafarge Moldova

Tatiana Josan, Manager Finance and Human Resources at Mary Kay Moldova

If you are interested in joining HR Committee activities, please contact Elena Buzu at



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