Digital Transformation Committee Meeting with National Bank of Moldova
Thus, Mr. Șușu, Head of the Payment Systems Department within the NBM, informed about the following:
The NBM did not participate in the writing and promotion of the problematic changes, and it was agreed from the beginning of the year to deal with them exactly like the community concerned;
The NBM drafted a draft law amending L114 / 2012, which cancels the two problematic points. Still, the promotion perspective is quite uncertain due to the lack of a Government and Parliament capable of approving such amendments. We are trying, together with the NBM, to identify alternative ways of promotion. This set does not include adjustments to the Criminal Code on the gambling side.
We insisted that the amendments necessarily include retroactive entry into force to cover 2021 whenever they are approved.
This will be decided as a Community if we insist on promoting the changes only in part related to L114 / 2012 or insist on including them in the package and those related to the Criminal Code. The comments from the members on this decision are requested by June 15.
AmCham Moldova Office Puskin 45B via ZOOM Chisinau, Moldova